Friday, April 30, 2010

Accident does happen!!

Was trying to capture a photograph of all my 'Spongebob' series bearbricks and an ACCIDENT happened!!!

Spongebob 100% BROKE it's right leg during 'shooting'!!!!!

* I do actually have a feel few days back that something's bad gonna happen to Spongebob 100% soon! This is cuz Spongebob 100% actually fell a height before landing on the floor during the first shooting...arghz! Poor handling definitely!!
Pic 1: 'Family' portrait of Spongebobs prior to the accident ('Ambassadors' of Cheese!!)
To clarify, I'm actually not a fan of Spongebob. Neither do I follow or even know the story behind Spongebob. My likings is purely cuz of its resemblance to a piece of cheese...Would love to have a BIG bite! Yummy!
(L>R: Bearbrick Series 18 Secret- Spongebob, Bearbrick Series 18 Cute- Spongebob, Spongebob 400%)

Pic 2: My Spongebob 100% seriously injured. I wished some plasters could do the job.
Meanwhile, I would need to source on ebay for his twin brother (for replacement)..duhhh!
(In the picture: Bearbrick Series 18 Cute- Spongebob)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The love begins here~

(Left: Bearbrick Series 18 Cute- Spongebob;
Right: 'Woodie' as I named it. No, this is not one of the 'wood' release from Medicom. It is a piece handicrafted by Dad as a gift to me. No copyright infringement or whatsoever intended for this is absolutely NOT FOR/intended for SALE)
You guys must be be wondering why I'm featuring 'Spongebob' and 'Woodie' in my opening entry for this blog.
To me, this 2 pieces of artwork hold special meanings in my heart. To start off with, Spongebob is really the bearbrick that spins off my bearbrick hobby till today (I wasn't really spending that much on bearbricks prior to Spongebob). As for Woodie, it is just such a priceless gift that no other bearbricks can replace... :)